Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Famous Stories From the Bible Study

We will be starting a new study called "Famous Stories from the Bible." We will be meeting from 2:30pm - 4:00pm on Fridays. The actually study will begin after Thanksgiving break. We will be having a preliminary

We will be meeting in the Etc. coffeehouse (or across the hall in the student lounge).
December 4th & 11th we will be looking at Christmas Stories

Friday, November 13, 2009

In This Issue
Urbana High School Play this weekend.
Wesley Thanksgiving Potluck Sunday Nov. 15th 12:30
Coming Activities
International Email Banner

Join our Mailing List!
Urbana High School Theater - Nov 12 -14 7pm
High School Plays are a great way to see a little "slice" of American culture and a cheap fun way to spend the evening.

Urbana High SchoolThe play "Bell, Book and Candle" revolves around Gillian, a witch who falls in love with a mortal man. The play was the inspiration for the TV show Bewitched, but along with the comedy is the message of relationships and wanting things you can't have, and people who take joy in being different.

The play runs Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Nov. 12, 13, and 14 at the UHS Cobb Auditorium. (A couple of blocks South of Lincoln Square Mall.

All start times are 7 p.m. For more information or to purchase a ticket, please contact Urbana High School at 217-384-3505.
Thanksgiving Lunch at Wesley This Sunday Nov 15th 12:30
Every year Wesley hosts a Thanksgiving Lunch in our Great Hall. We'll supply the Turkey and Drinks and ask you to bring a dish (food) to share. We're also asking persons to make a $2 donation at the door. Any proceeds will go to the Wesley Food Pantry.

This is always a wonderful and well attended event. It is also a great way to sample many traditional Thanksgiving foods.

Pumpkin PieGreat Hall

Some of our Activities Coming Later this Fall

Some of our activities coming later this fall...

Sun. Nov. 15th - Thanksgiving Potluck 12:30 in Wesley Great Hall
Nov. 18-19th - Monthly Food Pantry Sign Up Online
Dec. 6th - Christmas Craft Night, Dinner, and "Pageant"
Dec. 16-17th - Monthly Food Pantry Sign Up Online

JANUARY 2010 Mission Trip to Dulac Louisiana

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Corn Maze & Bonfire Fri. Oct. 16th 5:30pm
Corn Maze We're carpooling up to Rantoul Illinois to go to Hardy's Reindeer Ranch for their "Alien Invasion" themed corn maze. After wandering in the maze we'll regroup and go to Charles Drennon's farm for a Bonfire complete with Hotdogs, S'Mores and Ghost Stories. $10 should cover your expenses.

Please sign up online by Thurs. Oct. 15th so we can share rides.

For a full description visit Hardy's Reindeer Ranch

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

International Email Banner

Join our Mailing List!
Corn Maze & Bonfire Fri. Oct. 16th 5:30 pm
We're carpooling up to Rantoul Illinois to go to Hardy's Reindeer Ranch for their "Alien Invasion" themed corn maze. After wandering in the maze we'll regroup and go to Charles Drennon's farm for a Bonfire complete with Hotdogs, S'Mores and Ghost Stories. $10 should cover your expenses.

Please sign up online by Thurs. Oct. 15th so we can share rides.

For a full description visit Hardy's Reindeer Ranch

Free Classes about Christianity
Football We're offering a series of three different studies about Christianity.

Each study consists of two 45 minute lessons. We will slip out during the International Coffeehouse at 5:00 pm on Fridays. (If you want to do this study but cannot come during this time, let pastor Rob know and we can arrange a second session.)

Persons still learning English, visiting scholars and family members are welcome to attend. These classes are informational in nature and there will be no pressure to convert persons to

Christianity in America Oct 2 & Oct 9
Why are there so many different churches in the United States? What are the differences between the denominations (Catholic, Baptist, Methodist Etc.)?
What Do Christians Believe Oct 16 & Oct 23
We will provide a brief overview of the major Christian beliefs such as Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost), Incarnation. And Salvation. Also hot button topics like Homosexuality and Abortion.
What is the Bible Nov 6 & Nov 13
A summary about how the bible was formed and a brief overview of themes and major stories from the bible.

Food Pantry Volunteers Needed - Sign Up Online
Each month our Wesley Foundation serves over 1000 persons in need a week's worth of groceries. This is a huge undertaking as we convert our foundation into a food pantry (grocery store) each third Thursday of the month. We need to unload a semi's worth of food, set up tables open boxes and direct traffic. At the end of the evening we need to tear it all down and clean up. You do not need to speak English to help as much of it is "manual labor." This is a great way to see another side of America.

Food Pantry volunteers are needed for many jobs throughout the month, but especially the days and hours leading up to, and through, distribution on the evening of the 3rd Thursday of the month.

Training for persons who want to help on Thursday between 1pm-8pm and have not yet gone through training will be Wed at 7:00pm. Training lasts a little over an hour.
You do not need to be trained to help at other set up or cleanup times.

Some of the times you can volunteer include (you do not need to work the full time slot):
Wed. Oct 14th 12:30-2:00 pm Truck Unloading, 18 persons each hour
Wed. Oct 14th 7:00 pm Training for volunteering on Thursdays
Thurs. Oct 15th 1:00 - 8:00 pm Food Distribution 35+ persons each hour (Training Required)
Thurs. Oct 15th 8:30 - 10:00 pm Cleanup 18 persons each hour

PLEASE sign up ahead of time online so we know who will be helping or going through training.
Haunted House First Build Day This Sunday

October is here and it's time to really get working on our Haunted House Food Pantry Fund Raiser. This Sunday from 12:30 to 4pm we move from planning to actually building our haunted house. Lots of Volunteers needed. Lite snack lunch will be included.
Some of our Activities Coming Later this Fall

Some of our activities coming later this fall...
(please see above for weekly worship activities)

Oct. 14-15th Monthly Food Pantry Sign Up Online
Sat. Oct. 16th Corn Maze & Bonfire
Sun. Oct. 17th 12:30 - Haunted House Set Building Day
Thurs. - Sat. Oct. 28 - 30 Haunted House Fundraiser for Wesley Food Pantry
Sun. Nov. 15th - Thanksgiving Potluck 12:30 in Wesley Great Hall
Nov. 18-19th - Monthly Food Pantry Sign Up Online
Dec. 16-17th - Monthly Food Pantry Sign Up Online

JANUARY 2010 Mission Trip to Dulac Louisiana

Friday, September 25, 2009

Free Christianity Studies

The Wesley Foundation at the corner of Goodwin and Green is offering a series of three different studies about Christianity.

Each study consists of two 45 minute lessons. We will meet in the Wesley Etc. Coffeehouse at 2:30 pm on Fridays.

Persons still learning English, visiting scholars and family members are welcome to attend. These classes are informational in nature and there will be no pressure to convert persons to

Christianity in America Oct 2 & Oct 9
Why are there so many different churches in the United States? What are the differences between the denominations (Catholic, Baptist, Methodist Etc.)?
What Do Christians Believe Oct 16 & Oct 23
We will provide a brief overview of the major Christian beliefs such as Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost), Incarnation. And Salvation. Also hot button topics like Homosexuality and Abortion.
What is the Bible Nov 6 & Nov 13
A summary about how the bible was formed and a brief overview of themes and major stories from the bible.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Canoe Trip 2009 Sign Up

Reservations are now closed.

If only 10 names are showing, change "10 per page" to "100 per page"

Thursday, August 27, 2009

In This Issue

International Coffeehouse meets every Friday 4-6pm

Labor Day Canoe Trip- Sign Up Today

Sweetcorn Festival in Downtown Urbana this Weekend

Pastor Rob is Preaching at Wesley this Weekend

Friday Etc. Coffeehouse Hotspot starting at 7:30pm

International Email Banner

International Coffeehouse EVERY Friday 4-6

Etc CoffeehouseCome join us this Friday and every Friday for this informal time of conversation, food and snacks. 4pm - 6pm. It's fun and free.! It is an "open house" format which means you do not need to come at 4pm and leave at 6pm but that you can come or go anytime.

Quick Links

Int Coffeehouse Online Sign Ups
Wesley Foundation

Wesley Church
Graduate Student Activities

Join our Mailing List!

Labor Day Canoe Trip - Sept 7th

canoe trip peopleLabor Day Monday Sept 7th 8:00 am -6:00 pm

We will be meeting at the Wesley
Foundation Monday morning at 8:00 am for an hour and a half car ride to Turkey Run State Park in Indiana.

Students from the Purdue Wesley Foundation will meet us there as we venture down the Sugar Creek, past beautiful sandstone walls. We will provide a picnic lunch half way through the trip. There is an optional hike at the end of the day. We should be home by 6 pm.

  • $20 will cover all of your expenses.
  • Clothing to get wet
  • Shoes to get wet
  • Clothing to change into if you get wet
  • Shoes to change into after they get wet
  • Towel
  • Suntan lotion (or share)
  • Snack to share (ie bag of chips or soda)

Sign Up online
Or email by
Sept. 2nd by noon if you plan on joining us.

Sweetcorn Festival in Downtown Urbana This Weekend

Sweet Corn Festival Poster

Many International persons (and even some Chicago persons) are surprised by how many cornfields there are in central Illinois. Come taste some of the "bounty" (treasure) this weekend at the annual Sweetcorn Festival. There will be music, entertainment, food, games and CORN. There will be some free things handed out at display tables and there will be all kinds of food you can purchase.

Downtown Urbana is an easy walk from campus. Just head East on Green Street until it ends in a "T". The festival runs from 5pm - 11pm on Friday and 11am to 11pm on Saturday. It's a great time for adults and kids.

Click on the image above to go to the Sweetcorn website.

Pastor Rob is Preaching at Church in Wesley This Sunday

This would be a great Sunday to come to Church at Wesley. You will recognize a number of persons from the Coffeehouse and it is a week when Pastor Rob will be preaching (speaking). If you have never been to a church service before we can have someone sit with you to help explain what is going on.

Sunday 9:30am Traditional Service (classical music and more formal)
Sunday 11:15am Contemporary Service (guitars and drums)

Each service lasts about an hour.

Friday Etc. "Hot Spot" at 7:30pm in our Coffeehouse

Etc PeopleLooking for a place to hangout on a Friday night? Join us for fair-trade coffee and tea, snacks, live entertainment, pool, TV and fun. We're really excited about kicking off this new time in our old coffeehouse.

Everyone is welcome to come by for a few minutes or until we close at Midnight.

We welcome you, your ideas, and your cultures as equals as we journey down this path of life together.

Programs for Internationals offered through the Wesley Foundation are designed to offer hospitality (a generous and warm reception of guests), to experience cultural exchange and to assist internationals in various ways (like learning English, understanding American culture, answering questions, or for our bible studies, understanding Christianity). You do not need to be a Christian to attend any of our programs nor do we judge our success on how many Christians we "make." We believe that we are all strengthened by our mutual exchanges of ideas and cultures. While we are willing to share our stories of faith, we are also excited to hear your stories of faith. Our success is based on the hospitality we have offered, the friendships we have made and the assistance we have provided. We do not believe that one church (even ours) has the only right understanding of Christianity or faith. We will not speak ill of other churches but would be willing to discuss differences that we may hold with other churches in our area and address any concerns you may have.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In This Issue

International Coffeehouse meets every Friday 4-6pm

Amish Community Field Trip This Friday. Sign Up now!

Labor Day Canoe Trip

Wesley Food Pantry is this Thursday (and Wed). Volunteers needed.

International Email Banner

International Coffeehouse EVERY Friday

Etc CoffeehouseCome join us this Friday and every Friday (even when some of our group is off on a field trip) for this informal time of conversation, food and snacks. 4pm - 6pm. It's fun and free.!

Quick Links

Wesley Foundation

Wesley Church
Graduate Student Activities
Int Coffeehouse Online Sign Ups

Join our Mailing List!

Field Trip to Amish Community this Friday

Amish HorseWe will be going into the Arcola Illinois area (about 45min drive) to visit the Amish communityThey are a Christian denomination (community) that has chosen to live a a traditional lifestyle. They are best known for their simple living, plain dress and resistance to the many modern conveniences including telephones, electricity and cars.

We will meet in the Wesley Foundation parking lot at 12:30 and "car pool" (share rides) to Arcola. We will visit an Amish Home, Dairy Farm and Woodworking shop. Cost is $20 (to cover gas and enterance fees). We should be back by 5:30 pm. Please sign up onlineat our blog by Noon on August 20th.

Labor Day Canoe Trip - Sept 7th

canoe trip peopleLabor Day Monday Sept 7th 8:00 am -6:00 pm

We will be meeting at the Wesley
Foundation Monday morning at 8:00 am for an hour and a half car ride to Turkey Run State Park in Indiana.

Students from the Purdue Wesley Foundation will meet us there as we venture down the Sugar Creek, past beautiful sandstone walls. We will provide a picnic lunch half way through the trip. There is an optional hike at the end of the day. We should be home by 6 pm.

  • $20 will cover all of your expenses.
  • Clothing to get wet
  • Shoes to get wet
  • Clothing to change into if you get wet
  • Shoes to change into after they get wet
  • Towel
  • Suntan lotion (or share)
  • Snack to share (ie bag of chips or soda)

Sign Up by scrolling down to the form.

Or email by
Sept. 2nd by noon if you plan on joining us.

Food Pantry this Thursday

Grocery BagEach month our Wesley Foundation serves over 1000 persons in need a week's worth of groceries. This is a huge undertaking as we convert our foundation into a food pantry (grocery store) each third Thursday of the month. We need to unload a semi's worth of food, set up tables open boxes and direct traffic. At the end of the evening we need to tear it all down and clean up. You do not need to speak English to help as much of it is "manual labor." This is a great way to see another side of America.

Food Pantry volunteers are needed for many jobs throughout the month, but especially the days and hours leading up to, and through, distribution on the evening of the 3rd Thursday of the month.

All Thursday volunteers must have attended one training session before working during distribution on .
Training for persons who want to help on Thursday and have not yet gone through training will be Wed at 7:00pm. Training lasts a little over an hour.

Some of the times you can volunteer include (you do not need to work the full time slot):
Wed. Aug 19th 12:30-3:00 pm Truck Unloading, 18 persons each hour
Wed. Aug 19th 6:30 - 9:00 pm Food Set Up, 20 persons each hour
Thurs. Aug 20th 4:00 - 9:00 pm Food Distribution 35+ persons each hour
Thurs. Aug 20th 8:00 - 10:00 pm Cleanup 18 persons each hour

If you have questions or would like to sign up online for a volunteer time slot please contact Candice at

We welcome you, your ideas, and your cultures as equals as we journey down this path of life together.

Programs for Internationals offered through the Wesley Foundation are designed to offer hospitality (a generous and warm reception of guests), to experience cultural exchange and to assist internationals in various ways (like learning English, understanding American culture, answering questions, or for our bible studies, understanding Christianity). You do not need to be a Christian to attend any of our programs nor do we judge our success on how many Christians we "make." We believe that we are all strengthened by our mutual exchanges of ideas and cultures. While we are willing to share our stories of faith, we are also excited to hear your stories of faith. Our success is based on the hospitality we have offered, the friendships we have made and the assistance we have provided. We do not believe that one church (even ours) has the only right understanding of Christianity or faith. We will not speak ill of other churches but would be willing to discuss differences that we may hold with other churches in our area and address any concerns you may have.