Wednesday, April 21, 2010

In this week's email...
Pancake Breakfast Saturday 10 am - 1pm All proceeds go to Wesley Food Pantry
International Potluck April 17
Relay for Life. Walkers and Donners needed Fri April 23- Sat April 24
Million Meals for Haiti. Volunteers needed to package these Meals Sat April 24th - Sun April 25
Famous Stories Study this week - Jesus Death
Events Coming Later this semester
International Coffeehouse  Fridays 4-6pm

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Pancake Breakfast Saturday 10 am - 1pm Wesley Great Hall
PancakesThe Wesley Foundation Student Organization invites you to join them in a pancake breakfast with all proceeds going to support the Food Pantry.

Doors open at 10 am and $5 will get you all of the Pancakes you can eat.

In the Wesley Foundation Great Hall.
Potluck hosted by the University International Hospitality Committee and ISSS on Saturday April 17th 6pm - 8:30pm here at the Wesley Foundation


Please invite a friend or family member and bring a dish to serve 12 and a serving spoon. We'll provide everything else.

Children are welcome!

We are also looking for volunteers to help set up at 5:30pm if you are able to come a little early.

If you have questions, please contact: Nancy McGlathery at
Relay for Life Fundraiser for Cancer Research. Fri April 23rd 7pm - Sat 7am
Relay LogoCome walk and hangout with friends old and new as we raise money to support cancer research. Jarod will be meeting people here at Wesley at 6:30 to walk over to the track by Atkins Tennis center just South of campus.

To sign up click here and sign up to join in the Wesley Foundation Team.
Million Meals for Haiti. Sat. April 24th & Sun. April 25th
Interfaith Poster Sat April 24 - Sun April 25This event will be held in the old Hobby Lobby building at 1916 Glenn Park Drive in Champaign on Saturday, April 24 from 8am to 6pm and Sunday, April 25 from 1pm to 6pm. Volunteers are invited to sign up for one or two hour slots any time during these days.

Two types of volunteers are needed for this event: Meal Packagersand Red Shirts. Details of both of these positions, as well as a link to registration are at

Famous Bible Stories Studies Fri 2:30-4:00 or Sun 12:30 - 2:00

Each week we will be looking at a new story in its historical context and modern issues that it may raise. This class will be offered at two different times each week. Choose which works best for you. Each weeks classes are independent so come when you can. Classes are free and we have bibles you can borrow.

Fridays from 2:30 - 4:00 pm and again

Sundays from 12:30 - 2:00 pm (This class will be include a "lite lunch")

Friday April 2nd & Sunday April 4th - Jesus' Betrayal and Death
Friday April 9th & Sunday April 11th Resurrection
Friday April 16th & Sunday April 28th - Pentecost
Friday April 23th & Sunday April 25th - Stories from the Book of Acts
Friday April 30th & Sunday May 2nd - To be determined

Classes will be held in the Etc. Coffeehouse at Wesley and the Student Lounge across the hall.
1203 W. Green Street Urbana
Events Coming Later This Semester

To Be Announced
Come learn about the Organ and even practice playing on it.
Yes, we will have coffeehouse all summer.
We will also have many field trips during the summer.

Friday, April 2, 2010

International Coffeehouse Fridays 4-6pm

Join our Mailing List!
International Coffeehouse - Learn about Easter and dye some eggs
Dyed Easter EggSchool's back in session so the coffeehouse is up and running again. (We will also have the International Coffeehouse running most Friday's in the summer.)

Today we will learn about cultural celebrations of Easter, Religious celebrations of Easter, and will be dying Easter Eggs.

4:00 - 6:00 PM in the Etc. Coffeehouse.
Famous Bible Stories Studies Fri 2:30-4:00 or Sun 12:30 - 2:00

Each week we will be looking at a new story in its historical context and modern issues that it may raise. This class will be offered at two different times each week. Choose which works best for you. Each weeks classes are independent so come when you can. Classes are free and we have bibles you can borrow.

Fridays from 2:30 - 4:00 pm and again

Sundays from 12:30 - 2:00 pm (This class will be include a "lite lunch")

Friday April 2nd & Sunday April 4th - Jesus' Betrayal and Death
Friday April 9th & Sunday April 11th Resurrection
Friday April 16th & Sunday April 28th - Pentecost
Friday April 23th & Sunday April 25th - Stories from the Book of Acts
Friday April 30th & Sunday May 2nd - To be determined

Classes will be held in the Etc. Coffeehouse at Wesley and the Student Lounge across the hall.
1203 W. Green Street Urbana
Spring Clean Up day at Wesley. Volunteers Needed. This Sat. Morning.

Wesley SpireWe will be having a clean up day here at Wesley from 8am until Noon this Saturday. If the weather is nice (doubtful) we will be cleaning up the yard and doing some gardening. If the weather is wet we will have inside jobs from cleaning to washing windows. ESL students (who are willing to work) are always welcome.
Easter Activities at Wesley

Cross with Sunrise

Easter is the most important holiday of the Christian year. We invite you to join a local church in the celebration. At Wesley we line the sanctuary with Easter Lilies and have a wonderful musical accompaniment.

7:30 am Sunrise Worship Service
8:15 am Easter Egg Hunt for children
8:45 am Potluck breakfast
9:30 am Easter Worship (Traditional)
11:15 am Easter Worship (Contemporary)
1:00 pm Korean Language Worship
Potluck hosted by the University International Hospitality Committee and ISSS on Saturday April 17th 6pm - 8:30pm here at the Wesley Foundation


Please invite a friend or family member and bring a dish to serve 12 and a serving spoon. We'll provide everything else.

Children are welcome!

If you have questions, please contact: Nancy McGlathery at
Events Coming Later This Semester

To Be Announced
Come learn about the Organ and even practice playing on it.