Join us this Friday or any Friday at the International Coffeehouse
Come by anytime between 4-6pm and join us for snacks, conversation and friendship.
Welcome to all of our new IEI Students.
No Study this week. See below for schedule! Famous Bible Stories Studies Fri 2:30-4:00 or Sun 12:30 - 2:00
Each week we will be looking at a new story in its historical context and modern issues that it may raise. This class will be offered at two different times each week. Choose which works best for you. Each weeks classes are independent so come when you can. Classes are free and we have bibles you can borrow. This Friday and Sunday we will be looking at Genesis Chapter 1.
This is the first story in the bible telling of the creation of the world and everything in it. For some Christians, the literal belief in this story (and the rejection of evolutionary theory) becomes a "test case" for faith. Others understand it not as a historical account but as a story explaining God's relationship to creation and humans. It raises questions about science, responsibility to nature, the "goodness" of the world, why God would have created the world.
Fridays from 2:30 - 4:00 pm and again Sundays from 12:30 - 2:00 pm (This class will be include a "lite lunch")
Friday February 12th & Sunday February 13th - Moses Exodus Ch 1-3; 12 & 14 NO CLASS Friday February 19th & Sunday February 21st NO CLASS Friday February 26th & Sunday February 28th - David and Goliath
March schedule to be determined by participants.
Classes will be held in the Etc. Coffeehouse at Wesley and the Student Lounge across the hall. 1203 W. Green Street Urbana
Events Coming Later This Semester
Fri. Feb. 19th 4-6pm International Coffeehouse Fri. Feb. 26th 4-6pm International Coffeehouse
To Be Announced Come learn about the Organ and even practice playing on it. Come to a Wedding Ceremony Spring Break Mission Trip to Lousianna